Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2 ) No need of outside advertisements. In the traditional marketing system false advertisements are used for publicity which is done by those people don't even use the products. Thus raising the costs of the product to double-triple than actual cost. In RCM Business the consumer, himself propagates the good quality of product after using it and being satisfied. That is the real advertisement.
3 ) In this system no individual is granted monopoly rights for business. Every consumer is free to do his own marketing and earn from it.. Thus this is a vast opportunity for all.
4 ) There is no binding of fixed timings. A person can utilize his spare time for this business as he has to simply explain this concept to other persons.
5 ) No degree or qualification is essential for working in this system. The onlu requirement is a persons desire to work sincerely and earn by ethical means.
6 ) There is no competition with the others, rather business progresses by mutual co - operation.
7 ) In this Business, you need not maintain any account. The company maintains computerized account of all distributors.
8 ) RCM Distributor do not require any resources and staff. Thus no risk is involved in this Business.
9 ) In RCM Business, no capital, no office, no time limits, no staff is required. only required is desire to promote the RCM products, That's all
10) When you start using RCM products, you will start saving in your daily expenditure. When you start promoting the RCM Products, you will start getting income from this.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
How To Join RCM Business

As the Clothes are part of everybody’s routine requirement RCM is an easy way to fulfill your requirement. It’s very easy to join RCM by purchasing anyone of the Textile Kits: -
Option 1. NM Kit – Rs. 1500/-
3 T/L (Length 1.20 Mtr.), 3 Shirt Pcs. (Length 2.25 Mtr.)
Option 2. SL Kit – Rs. 1320/-
2 S/L (Length 3.00 Mtr.)
Option 3. Safari Kit – Rs. 1410/-
3 - Safari Length (Length 2.5 Mtr.)
Option 4. Shahi Libas Kit Rs. 1470/-
One premium quality Suit Length (Length 3.00 Mtr.)
Option 5. Open choice Kit Rs. 300/-
To join from this kit it is mandatory to make textile product purchase of
worth 1500 B.V.
Option 6. Premium S.L. Kit Rs. 1580/-
2 premium quality suit length (Length 3.00 Mtr.)
Option 7. NLM Kit Rs. 1620/-
3 T/L (Length 1.30), 3 Shirt Pcs. (length 2.5)
1. After selection of kit and paying the specified amount you get scratch ID card along with joining kit. ID card contains distributor number and password, which can be seen on scratching. This password is authenticated validation and required to keep safely. Use of this password will be treated as authorized signature in future.
2. You can apply for online joining on company's website by using above password for distributorship with acceptance of abiding rules and regulations. Be careful in feeding the sponsor number and address. After acceptance of application you become a distributor.
Commision calculation
RCM Business Marketing Plan
The best part of this concept is that you do not have to do anything different from what you have been doing till now. All you are required to do is to purchase RCM Products(Business Kit) and get your registration through internet. And from then onwards, use RCM Products, because :-
- You are getting best quality at reasonable price.
- No chance of duplicate goods.
- It also provide a source of income.
After using the product and feeling satisfied with quality and concept you can share your views with your friends and relatives. This way they will also start using the products and so on. Thus the company does not require any advertisement or middlemen for selling its products. The amount saved will be distributed between you and the people who associate to the company because of you. Day by day as your group will expand your income will also increase.
Company distributes upto 30% Performance bonus, upto 6% royalty and on qualification, upto 4% technical bonus and upto 1% leadership bonus on total *Business Volume.
Business Volume is the actual value on which all the calculations for commision is done. It may be equal or less than M.R.P.
- Purchases for self requirement.
- Purchases by your down liners.
- Retailing by you or your down liners.
- Business kit purchased by new distributors.
RCM Business has been set up by Fashion Suitings Pvt. Ltd., Bhilwara (Rajasthan) belonging to the reputed Chhabra Group, engaged in textile business since 1977. The group has entered into it's own production in 1986 and at present it's annual capacity is 3 crore meter. Thus it stands among top five in india in suiting manufacturing.
In August 2000 RCM Business started at very small scale. Gradually it developed from every aspect and now it stand as biggest multi level marketing company with more than 60 lacs distributors, more than 70 depots, more than 5000 pickup centers and more than 300 products. Company not only expanded its product range and distribution center but also have given priority to upgrade technology and make complete system online. For the purpose of high quality education, company has given emphasis on quality literature and education system.
Now in every corner of country RCM meetings and seminars are organized. Quality education material are also available in the form of CDs, cassettes and books. To update distributors with current information monthly RCM Times is also published. RCM Business has made remarkable progress and has grown up in multi dimensions.
Good quality products and best services to consumer constitute the company's objectives. This clearly demonstrates that the group is genuinely concerned and dedicated to the overall progress of distributors and shall be bringing out more quality products to enhance their business volume.
The best part of this concept is that you do not have to do anything different from what you have been doing till now. All you are required to do is to purchase RCM Products(Business Kit) and get your registration through internet. And from then onwards, use RCM Products, because :-
You are getting best quality at reasonable price.
No chance of duplicate goods.
It also provide a source of income.
After using the product and feeling satisfied with quality and concept you can share your views with your friends and relatives. This way they will also start using the products and so on. Thus the company does not require any advertisement or middlemen for selling its products. The amount saved will be distributed between you and the people who associate to the company because of you. Day by day as your group will expand your income will also increase.
Company distributes upto 30% Performance bonus, upto 6% royalty and on qualification, upto 4% technical bonus and upto 1% leadership bonus on total *Business Volume.
Business Volume is the actual value on which all the calculations for commision is done. It may be equal or less than M.R.P.
There are four ways to get Income in RCM Business:
Purchases for self requirement.
Purchases by your down liners.
Retailing by you or your down liners.
Business kit purchased by new distributors.